2 module witchcraft.constructors;
4 import witchcraft;
6 import std.string;
7 import std.variant;
9 /++
10  + Represents and grants access to a single constructor defined in some
11  + aggregate type.
12  ++/
13 abstract class Constructor : Invocable
14 {
15     /++
16      + Invokes the constructor, passing in arguments as variant types.
17      + The result is returned as a `Variant` type.
18      +
19      + Returns:
20      +   The result of the construct call, as a `Variant`.
21      ++/
22     final Variant create(Variant[] arguments...) const
23     {
24         return this.invoke(null, arguments);
25     }
27     /++
28      + Ditto, but accepts arguments of any type, and permits the result to also
29      + be cast to a type specified by template argument.
30      +
31      + Params:
32      +   T = The conversion type. If Variant, no conversion is performed.
33      +
34      + Returns:
35      +   The result of the construct call, as the templated type.
36      ++/
37     final T create(T, TList...)(TList arguments) const
38     {
39         auto result = this.invoke(null, arguments);
41         static if(is(T == Variant))
42         {
43             return result;
44         }
45         else
46         {
47             return result.get!T;
48         }
49     }
51     /++
52      + Returns `__ctor`, which is the name of all constructors.
53      +
54      + Returns:
55      +   The name of this constructor.
56      ++/
57     final override string getName() const
58     {
59         return "__ctor";
60     }
62     override string toString() const
63     {
64         return "%s(%(%s, %))".format(getName, getParameterTypeInfos);
65     }
66 }